
All posts tagged Human

What do I write?

Published November 7, 2011 by megawitch

Hmf….. Well, my title kind-of says it all; what do I write? I guess I will start with WoW, the ultimate super-uber-nerd game I play. I play WoW, World of Warcraft, because it inspires me in things I like, such as my artistic side. My art is a different story, and will eventually be told, but the current topic is about my nerd side.

On WoW you create a toon or a character on either Horde or Alliance. When you log in, you start at lvl one. The highest lvl is 85 and in the next expansion it will be lvl 90. But for starters, on the Alliance you can create any of the following:

Humans – The Humans live in the bright Elwynn Forest and are best known for being great mages and strong healers. Their leader is King Varian Wrynn living in their city Stormwind City.

Dwarf – Living in the frosty, cold and snowy lands in Dun Morogh, the Dwarves specialize in guns and can survive in extremly cold temperatures, best known for forging and reforging metal in their home City Ironforge. Ironforge is also known for were the Council of Three Hammers live.

Night Elf – The Night Elves live in the woods of the Great Tree Nordrassil, and are best known for being very good druids, hunters, and are good with animals and the land. Their city Darnassus is not only were the Night Elves live, but also their leaders High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage.

Gnomes – The Gnomes are small beings, usually following the Dwarfs after a terrible accident… Their city was taken over by Trogs, toxic sludge, and a sentry bot. Although the gnomes are trying to retreive their city, they are still causing problems. Gnomes are best known for being great, intelligent tinkerers and being short, wacky scientists. Their city is Gnomeregan and their leader is High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque.

Dreanei – Dreanei are aliens that crash-landed and now live on Azuremyst Isle, and are quite good paladins and mages. The city they call home is The Exodar, were their leader Prophet Velen plans out his next move on the horde.

Worgen – The last member of the Alliance family is the Worgen, my personal favorite aside from the Night Elves. The Worgen are like werewolves, but better. The worgen started as humans, the Gilneans, living in their city Gilneas, when it was attacked by two enemies, the Worgen and the Horde. It is said it all started in Shadowfang Keep, right across the Greymane Wall, home to Baron Silverlaine, where all fell prey to a mad man, Archmage Arugal, and his pet Worgen. His crazy ideas came to an end when the Horde had defeated him while his pet was away. Shadowfang Keep was ultimately abandoned, but was eventually inhabited by Lord Godfrey, the betrayer, and his minions. When Arugal’s pet Worgen came back and found out about Arugal’s death, he went on a rage-filled attack on neighboring areas, thus resulting in what we now see as Worgen, the playable class on Alliance-side in WoW. Their Racial leader is King Genn Greymane.

Perhaps tomorrow I will write about the Horde…