
All posts tagged Goblin

I’m Back…. And I Brought The Horde!

Published January 20, 2012 by megawitch

Ahhh,  again, at last, and finally here to talk about the horde! So let me start off by saying I’m not a super Horde lover, I’m all Alliance, but I do think that they are very interesting…. I must admit though I loathe how much more Blizzard Entertainment seems to love them. The horde are the opposite of the Alliance.

The Alliance are, in my oppinion, more civilized, the Horde are more savage; I guess they use that to thier advantage.

The Orcs: This savage race hail from the hot, arid, rocky, mountainous region of Durotar. They specalize in axes, battle, and their home city is Orgrimmar. Their leader, Thrall, once lived there, and their current leader, Garrosh Hellscream, resides there.

The Blood Elves: The lovley but devious Blood Elves, or the Sin`dorei, Children of the Blood, have their specailization in enchanting and arcane magics. Living in the enchanting city of Silvermoon City, their leader is Lor’themar Theron Regent Lord of Quel’Thalas.

The Tauren: The Tauren have a bonus to their herbalism ability, but “War Stomp” (Shaking the ground with a mighty stomp of their hooves, tauren can briefly stun small groups of enemies) is their strongest trait. While they hail from in the grassy-plain lands of Mulgore, their city is Thunderbluff. High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof is their leader.

The Trolls: The Trolls have a natural connection to Voodoo and have a strong handle on war. The hail from Echo Ilses, and their leader is Vol’jin.

The Undead: The Undead or the Forsaken. The slain in life risen once again to have vengence on who or what killed them. Risen By the Banshee Queen Sylvanas, their leader, she guides them in the dead lands of Tirisfal Glades. Their home city is Undercity, beneath the ruins of Lordaeron.

The Goblins: The Goblins specialize in money, Engineering, and polluting everything around them. Originally living in the Island of Kezan and slaves to the Jungle Troll. When Deathwing, the Great Dragon, had awoken and unleashed his wrath on the world of Azeroth, Kezan was one of the places he threatoned to destroy. The Goblins then had to pack up their things and leave, running for their lives. The Goblins have no specific city or land yet. Their Racial leader is Trade Prince Gallywix.

For more information on the World of Warcraft, you can go to http://us.battle.net/wow/en/ and search your choice of character from both Horde and Alliance.