
All posts for the day August 7th, 2013

Day 7~ Pet Peeves

Published August 7, 2013 by megawitch

1. I don’t like it when wood rubs against wood.

2. I really don’t like it when my mum smacks my butt.

3. When people, (mostly my dad…) tugs on my ponytail.

4. When casters roll need on healy gear in WoW.

5. When I’m in a room with country music playing. I loathe country music with a passion!

6. Sharing a room with someone who is a messy slob.

7. When people gank me in WoW while I’m questing.

8. When people gank you in WoW just to be rude.

9. When people camp your corpse in WoW.

10. When people look at you like you have two heads and are obnoxious and rude.

11. When people are being stupid.

12. When people act like your defected and crazy when you say: “I’m vegan.”

13. When my younger sisters get me in trouble for no reason and get away with it. -_-